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Test Listing

Veterinary Clinical Pathology

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Hematology and Chemistry Offerings

Test Name Specimen Requirement UM Internal Research Price Non-UM Price
Advanced Mammal Chemistry Panel
(ALT, ALK Phos, Bun, Crea, Glu, Phos, Ca, Na,K,CI,MgTP, Alb, AST, Amylase, CPK, Tbil,GGT)
0.3 ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $42.00 $79.00
Basic Mammal Chemistry Panel
(ALT, BUN, Crea, Glu, Phos, Ca, TP)
0.2ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $18.75 $45.75
Lipoprotein Panel
(Chol, Trig, HDL, LDL, VLDL)
0.1ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $20.25 $44.75
Mammal Liver Panel (AST, ALT, GGT,  AlkPhos, TBili) 0.2ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $20.25 $40.00
Individual chemistry determinations 0.1ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $14.00 $14.00
CBC and platelet count, mammal 0.1ml blood (LT) or (GT) $38.00 $44.00
  • Note that if sample volume is expected to be problematic, GT can be submitted for both CBC and chemistry testing.
  • Contact the lab for price and availability of other tests and custom panels. Full services are available for research projects. Pricing as of 6/1/24.