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Marine Species

Acute Phase Protein Laboratory

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Acute phase proteins (APP) form the cornerstone of innate immunity. They reflect a common pathway to inflammation which can be triggered by a variety of stimuli including infection, stress, neoplasia, and trauma.

It appears that, much like land based mammals, marine mammals utilize the same evolutionary conserved APP such as C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), and haptoglobin (HP).

  • Manatees – SAA and HP reagents are validated for use in the species. More than a 30-fold increase in SAA was found in manatees with trauma or cold stress. SAA is a key prognostic factor in the rehabilitation of this species.
  • Dolphins – Species specific SAA reagents are validated for this major acute phase protein. More than a 50-fold increase has been observed in dolphins with severe inflammation. HP reagents have also been validated.
  • Shark species – CRP and SAA reagents have been validated for some elasmobranch species – contact the laboratory for more information.
  • Sea turtles – HP is validated for the detection of hemoglobin binding protein. While reptiles do make SAA, no commercial reagents exist for these species at this time. We recommend protein electrophoresis.
  • Teleost species – No commercial reagents are available. We recommend protein electrophoresis.
  • Avian species – Rare reagent cross reactivity so protein electrophoresis is recommended. SAA reagents are validated for use in the auklet.


G. Bossart, K. Arheart, M. Hunt, L. Leppert, K. Roberts, S. McCulloch, J. Goldstein, C. Gonzalez, J. Sweeney, R. Stone, P.A. Fair, and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis of serum from healthy Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 38(4):412-417, 2012.

C. Cray, K. Arheart, M. Hunt, L. Leppert, K. Roberts, S. McCulloch, J. Goldstein, C. Gonzalez, J. Sweeney, R. Stone, P.A. Fair, and G. Bossart. Acute phase protein quantitation in serum from healthy Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 25(1):107-111, 2013.

C. Cray, M. Rodriguez, M. Dickey, L. Brinson Brewer, and K.L. Arheart. Assessment of serum amyloid A levels in the rehabilitation setting in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 44(4):909-915, 2013.

S. Miller, M. Davis, J.A. Hernandez, J. St. Leger, C. Cray, P. Bishop, and N.I. Stacy. Serum amyloid A in healthy female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) during and after complicated pregnancy. Aquatic Mammals, 43(4):417-420, 2017.

M. Dickey, C. Cray, T. Norton, M. Murray, C. Barysauskas, K.L. Arheart, S. Nelson, and M. Rodriguez. Assessment of hemoglobin binding protein in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) undergoing rehabilitation. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(3):700-703, 2014.

M.W. Hyatt, C.L. Field, T.M. Clauss, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Plasma protein electrophoresis and select acute phase proteins in healthy bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) under managed care. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47(4):984-992, 2016.

S. Miller, M. Davis, J.A. Hernandez, J. St. Leger, C. Cray, P. Bishop, and N.I. Stacy. Serum amyloid A in healthy female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) during and after complicated pregnancy. Aquatic Mammals, 43(4):417-420, 2017.

J.D. Sheldon, S.P. Johnson, J.A. Hernandez, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Acute-phase responses in healthy, malnourished, and Otostrongylus infected juvenile northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustrirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(3):767-775, 2017.

J.E. Flower, J.N. Langan, R.S. Wells, C. Cray, K.L. Arheart, S.K. Chinnadurai, and M.J. Adkesson. Serum acute phase proteins in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and correlation with commonly utilized inflammatory indices. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(3):657-662, 2020.

S. Miller, C. Cray, A.M. Schaefer, J.S. Reif, K. Roberts, and G.D. Bossart. Assessment of serum amyloid A, haptoglobin, and protein electrophoresis in clinically healthy and abnormal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 46(2):131-136, 2020.