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  • How does DNA testing on TV determine if two people are related?

  • Can a genetic test I buy at the store or online tell me my risk for certain diseases?

  • I have heard that scientists have cloned humans. Is that true?

  • Is it true that the goal of genetic research is to allow parents to create “designer babies”?

  • Can a person’s ethnic background affect how likely they are to get a disease?

  • Are diseases caused by any other factors other than changes in genes?

  • Is genetic testing only used on TV for catching criminals?

  • If I participate in genetic research, can my genetic information be given out or sold?

  • Is it true that scientists have successfully cloned animals?

  • Are identical twins 100% genetically identical?

  • If cousins get married, are they at risk of having children with genetic conditions?

  • If a genetic test shows I am at risk for a disease, can I be denied health insurance?