Steven Falcone, M.D., M.B.A, is Professor of Radiology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. His current positions in the Department of Radiology include the Associate Chair, the Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs and Director of Undergraduate Medical Education. Dr. Falcone has previously held many different leadership roles at the School and Health System including but not limited to the Executive Clinical Dean at the Regional Campus, Executive Dean for Clinical Affairs, CEO of the UHealth Clinical Practice and Associate Vice President for Medical Affairs. Dr. Falcone joined the Faculty in July 1992 and has more than 30 years of Clinical and Administrative experience. Dr. Falcone is currently Professor of Radiology, Neurological Surgery and Ophthalmology with a particular interest in spinal and orbital imaging. Along with co-investigators he has published more than 100 book chapters, peer reviewed journal articles, abstracts, and scientific exhibits including a groundbreaking article describing the MRI and intra-operative ultrasound findings on spinal cord injured quadriplegic patients, and on spinal cord cyst formation. A three phase undergraduate medical education curricular construct through the four years of medical school exposes the students to Radiology early on in phase 1 integrating imaging and interventional procedures providing a longitudinal approach through all three phases. As Director of Undergraduate Medical Education, Dr. Falcone has been part of and lead the team in the development and implementation of this new approach for the School of Medicine within the Department of Radiology. Dr. Falcone has been very involved with organized medicine serving locally as the liaison for the Miller School to the Dade County Medical Association, serving at the state level as a delegate for the Dade County Medical Association to the Florida Medical Association, and is a long standing member of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association as a Delegate for the American College of Radiology. Dr. Falcone has also served as a member of the Florida Board of Medicine.