Dr. Thompson has been a clinical anesthesiologist for over a decade. She completed both her medical degree and residency at the University of Miami through the Honors Program in Medicine. She joined the Memorial Healthcare System in 2014 and in 2016, and was appointed Chairperson of the District Formulary Committee. Due to her passion for Process Improvement, she worked to integrate a new drug reversal agent into the healthcare system by developing criteria and algorithms for use. Additionally, she created a streamlined system wide Malignant Hyperthermia Best Practice Advisory to increase efficiency and standardization in response to this potentially deathly medical condition.
In 2018, Dr. Thompson was asked to be the Anesthesia Representative for the system’s multidisciplinary Pain Steering Committee, which focuses on alternatives to opioids for treatment of patients in pain. She also served as the Vice-Chief of Anesthesiology at Memorial Hospital Miramar, the Director of Operational Efficiency for the Anesthesia Division for Memorial Healthcare System and held positions on multiple medical staff committees such as the Quality Care, Medical Executive and Critical Care Committees. She was recognized in 2019 as a Patient First Honoree for her dedication and commitment to patient safety and quality care.
In 2021, she received an Outstanding Leadership and Dedication Award from the Medical Executive Committee. This year, she returned to the University of Miami Medical Group where she was dual appointed as the Chief Medical Officer and Division Chief of Anesthesiology at Jackson West Medical Center where she continues her passion and dedication to process improvement, operational efficiency, and delivery of quality care.